- growth of metastable phases
- рост метастабильных фаз
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics. F.V Lisovsky . 2005.
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics. F.V Lisovsky . 2005.
Crystal growth — Crystallization Concepts … Wikipedia
Ice — This article is about water ice. For the broader concept of ices as used in the planetary sciences, see volatiles. For other uses, see Ice (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
metamorphic rock — Any of a class of rocks that result from the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing geological conditions, including variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress. The preexisting rocks may be igneous, sedimentary,… … Universalium
Allotropes of carbon — Eight allotropes of carbon: a) Diamond, b) Graphite, c) Lonsdaleite, d) C60 (Buckminsterfullerene or buckyball), e) C540, f) C70, g) Amorphous carbon, and h) single walled carbon nanotube or buckytube. This is a list of the allotropes of carb … Wikipedia
Calcium carbonate — Calcium carbonate … Wikipedia
Tanjore Ramachandra Anantharaman — (Prof. TRA for short) is one of India s pre eminent metallurgist and materials scientist, and a 1951 Rhodes Scholar. Early Life and Education Tanjore Ramachandra Anantharaman was born in Tamil Nadu, India, on November 25, 1927. He obtained his… … Wikipedia
Nucleation — Not to be confused with Microtubule nucleation . Nucleation is the extremely localized budding of a distinct thermodynamic phase. Some examples of phases that may form via nucleation in liquids are gaseous bubbles, crystals or glassy regions.… … Wikipedia
Hydrothermal synthesis — includes the various techniques of crystallizing substances from high temperature aqueous solutions at high vapor pressures; also termed hydrothermal method . The term hydrothermal is of geologic origin. Geochemists and mineralogists have studied … Wikipedia
Ikaite — is the mineral name for the hexahydrate of calcium carbonate, CaCO3·6H2O. Ikaite is colorless when pure. DistributionIt is usually considered a rare mineral, but this is likely due to difficulty in preserving samples. It was first discovered in… … Wikipedia
Quasicrystal — Atomic model of an aluminum palladium manganese (Al Pd Mn) quasicrystal surface. Similar to Fig. 6 in Ref.[1] A quasiperiodic crystal, or, in short, quasicrystal, is a structure that is ordered but not periodic. A quasicrystalline pattern can… … Wikipedia
Samarium — promethium ← samarium → europium ↑ Sm ↓ … Wikipedia